Tonight’s Iowa Vote Count To Take Place At Secret Location - Rep. strategist says GOP will not allow Ron Paul to win -
Tonight’s final vote tally for the Iowa caucuses will take place at a secret undisclosed location, an announcement that has stoked fears of vote fraud amongst Ron Paul supporters, concerns that were heightened following a Republican insider’s claim that the GOP establishment will not allow Paul to win.
The final Iowa vote count normally takes place at state party headquarters in Des Moines, but following dubious “security concerns” about Occupy protesters disrupting the tabulation process, the Republican Party of Iowa announced that it would be moving the final vote count to a secret undisclosed location.
The move occurred despite Occupy protest leaders confirming there were no plans to disrupt the caucuses themselves.
“Votes in each of the 1,774 precincts will still be counted on location, and observers from the campaigns will be able to watch that process. That precinct information will then be conveyed to the state party’s tabulation center,” reports CNN. warns that not only Paul, but also Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are “in grave danger of being cheated on Iowa caucus night 2012 by the Iowa State GOP and the 5 big TV networks.”
“The Iowa STATE Republican Party has a long history of rigging both the Iowa Straw Poll and the Iowa Caucus against populist, constitutionalist candidates like Ron Paul,” states the website, which is asking for observers to visit the voting precincts to help ensure a fair tabulation process.
“The RHINO GOP establishment also hates Presidential candidates like Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, even though these two are acceptable to the RHINOS in foreign policy matters. But, since Bachmann and Santorum ACTUALLY believe in their domestic and social issue agendas for the USA, they are also in danger of being cheated out of votes received at the state level. This is not an accusation against the Gingrich or Romney or Perry campaigns — but against the Iowa STATE GOP, and whichever groups they are in alliance with to “count” the votes at the state level.”
As the Brad Blog documents, the potential for the Iowa primary result to be manipulated by using saboteurs to flood vote for one candidate is considerable.
“No Photo ID is necessary for any voter in the Republican Iowa caucuses. No Photo ID is necessary to register as a Republican at the caucus site, even if you’re not already a registered voter. You may then cast your vote at the caucus on the same day you’ve registered (without a Photo ID).”
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris has compiled a checklist to aid vote observers in ensuring a fair count.
Concerns about vote fraud, subversion and undue influence on behalf of the Republican establishment that could serve to steal the Iowa caucuses from Ron Paul have gone viral today in the aftermath of Republican strategist Dee Dee Benkie telling a radio show last night that GOP insiders have resolved to prevent Ron Paul from winning tonight’s primary.
“They’re not going to want him to get number one, it’s very bad for Iowa, it’s terrible,” said Benkie, confirming the host’s claim that Iowa District Chairmen are organizing voting blocks to sabotage Paul’s chances by offering them sweetheart deals in return for voting against Paul.
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Tonight’s final vote tally for the Iowa caucuses will take place at a secret undisclosed location, an announcement that has stoked fears of vote fraud amongst Ron Paul supporters, concerns that were heightened following a Republican insider’s claim that the GOP establishment will not allow Paul to win.
The final Iowa vote count normally takes place at state party headquarters in Des Moines, but following dubious “security concerns” about Occupy protesters disrupting the tabulation process, the Republican Party of Iowa announced that it would be moving the final vote count to a secret undisclosed location.
The move occurred despite Occupy protest leaders confirming there were no plans to disrupt the caucuses themselves.
“Votes in each of the 1,774 precincts will still be counted on location, and observers from the campaigns will be able to watch that process. That precinct information will then be conveyed to the state party’s tabulation center,” reports CNN. warns that not only Paul, but also Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are “in grave danger of being cheated on Iowa caucus night 2012 by the Iowa State GOP and the 5 big TV networks.”
“The Iowa STATE Republican Party has a long history of rigging both the Iowa Straw Poll and the Iowa Caucus against populist, constitutionalist candidates like Ron Paul,” states the website, which is asking for observers to visit the voting precincts to help ensure a fair tabulation process.
“The RHINO GOP establishment also hates Presidential candidates like Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, even though these two are acceptable to the RHINOS in foreign policy matters. But, since Bachmann and Santorum ACTUALLY believe in their domestic and social issue agendas for the USA, they are also in danger of being cheated out of votes received at the state level. This is not an accusation against the Gingrich or Romney or Perry campaigns — but against the Iowa STATE GOP, and whichever groups they are in alliance with to “count” the votes at the state level.”
As the Brad Blog documents, the potential for the Iowa primary result to be manipulated by using saboteurs to flood vote for one candidate is considerable.
“No Photo ID is necessary for any voter in the Republican Iowa caucuses. No Photo ID is necessary to register as a Republican at the caucus site, even if you’re not already a registered voter. You may then cast your vote at the caucus on the same day you’ve registered (without a Photo ID).”
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris has compiled a checklist to aid vote observers in ensuring a fair count.
Concerns about vote fraud, subversion and undue influence on behalf of the Republican establishment that could serve to steal the Iowa caucuses from Ron Paul have gone viral today in the aftermath of Republican strategist Dee Dee Benkie telling a radio show last night that GOP insiders have resolved to prevent Ron Paul from winning tonight’s primary.
“They’re not going to want him to get number one, it’s very bad for Iowa, it’s terrible,” said Benkie, confirming the host’s claim that Iowa District Chairmen are organizing voting blocks to sabotage Paul’s chances by offering them sweetheart deals in return for voting against Paul.
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