Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

The United States is fighting terrorism - one snow cone at a time, County received a $900 Arctic Blast Sno-Cone machine -

The United States is fighting terrorism - one snow cone at a time, County received a $900 Arctic Blast Sno-Cone machine - 

The United States is fighting terrorism - one snow cone at a time.

Montcalm County recently received a $900 Arctic Blast Sno-Cone machine.

The West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) is a federal- and state-designated agency responsible for managing and administrating the homeland security program in Montcalm County and 12 other counties.

The WMSRDC recently purchased and transferred homeland security equipment to these counties - including 13 snow cone machines at a total cost of $11,700.

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