Coming to a battlefield soon: Caffeinated meat sticks -

The U.S. army wants its soldiers on the battlefield alert and performing well.
And to keep them that way researchers are now testing everything from caffeinated meat sticks to baked goods laced with Omega 3s.
Soldiers in the field can already choose to chew caffeinated gum to keep them alert, but now the researchers at the Natick, Mass.-based Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Centre are also testing caffeinated meat as a new entree in the soldier’s field rations — known more commonly as the MRE or Meal Ready to Eat ration.
MREs have been described by some as one of the worst foods in the world — at the very least they’re probably the most complained about. But in recent years they have improved, helped by research from scientists trying to improve the taste of the food as well as its nutritional and health benefits.
In the case of the caffeinated meat stick, another goal is to give U.S. soldiers a little extra something to keep them on top of their game, said Jeremy Whitsitt, a civilian spokesman for the research centre.
The aim is to “keep more war fighters on the battlefield for longer periods of time and reduce lost time from their mission and the injuries sustained in daily activities such as climbing mountains, searching through caves and carrying 75 to 100 pounds on their back,” Whitsitt said in an interview with the Star. “Those have a toll on the human body and I think we’re doing a good thing.”
U.S. soldiers have their choice of 24 different MREs, and more are constantly being developed. They all contain an entree as well as side items and a flameless ration heater so they can warm their food.
“Our mission is to assure the U.S. war fighters are the best fed in the world,” Whitsitt said.
One of the areas of research is looking at how to use foods to enhance and improve performance under stress, he said. That’s where caffeine fits in. “Caffeine is known to increase performance under periods of stress and or fatigue,” he explained.
The meat stick with caffeine is still being tested and is likely one or two years away from being sent out with troops. First it must be evaluated by a panel to see how it stands up, and then it must be field-tested by the soldiers themselves. It must be approved by selected troops before it is used for everyone, Whitsitt said.
The sticks taste like a salty, smoky meat product, he explained.
Omega 3 anti-inflammatory supplements are also being researched and tested in orange cake for use on the battlefield.
“Omega 3 products have great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” Whitsitt said. “Some other research indicates they may help in healing traumatic brain injuries.”
That product is also showing good promise, he said, and is holding up well under storage tests.
This isn’t the first time caffeine or other supplements have been added to MREs. A complex carbohydrate called Maltodextrim, which gives soldiers an extra bit of energy, is being served in apple sauce, called Zapplesauce.
The MREs or any food rations the soldiers carry are required to have a shelf life of three years at 80 F. And they have to meet an increasingly sensitive and sophisticated palate.
“We’re focused on the war fighter when their only supply system is what they’re carrying on their back.”
His assessment of the food? “It’s good. It’s real food. We’re able to provide a high-quality, shelf-stable product better than we have before.”
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The U.S. army wants its soldiers on the battlefield alert and performing well.
And to keep them that way researchers are now testing everything from caffeinated meat sticks to baked goods laced with Omega 3s.
Soldiers in the field can already choose to chew caffeinated gum to keep them alert, but now the researchers at the Natick, Mass.-based Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Centre are also testing caffeinated meat as a new entree in the soldier’s field rations — known more commonly as the MRE or Meal Ready to Eat ration.
MREs have been described by some as one of the worst foods in the world — at the very least they’re probably the most complained about. But in recent years they have improved, helped by research from scientists trying to improve the taste of the food as well as its nutritional and health benefits.
In the case of the caffeinated meat stick, another goal is to give U.S. soldiers a little extra something to keep them on top of their game, said Jeremy Whitsitt, a civilian spokesman for the research centre.
The aim is to “keep more war fighters on the battlefield for longer periods of time and reduce lost time from their mission and the injuries sustained in daily activities such as climbing mountains, searching through caves and carrying 75 to 100 pounds on their back,” Whitsitt said in an interview with the Star. “Those have a toll on the human body and I think we’re doing a good thing.”
U.S. soldiers have their choice of 24 different MREs, and more are constantly being developed. They all contain an entree as well as side items and a flameless ration heater so they can warm their food.
“Our mission is to assure the U.S. war fighters are the best fed in the world,” Whitsitt said.
One of the areas of research is looking at how to use foods to enhance and improve performance under stress, he said. That’s where caffeine fits in. “Caffeine is known to increase performance under periods of stress and or fatigue,” he explained.
The meat stick with caffeine is still being tested and is likely one or two years away from being sent out with troops. First it must be evaluated by a panel to see how it stands up, and then it must be field-tested by the soldiers themselves. It must be approved by selected troops before it is used for everyone, Whitsitt said.
The sticks taste like a salty, smoky meat product, he explained.
Omega 3 anti-inflammatory supplements are also being researched and tested in orange cake for use on the battlefield.
“Omega 3 products have great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” Whitsitt said. “Some other research indicates they may help in healing traumatic brain injuries.”
That product is also showing good promise, he said, and is holding up well under storage tests.
This isn’t the first time caffeine or other supplements have been added to MREs. A complex carbohydrate called Maltodextrim, which gives soldiers an extra bit of energy, is being served in apple sauce, called Zapplesauce.
The MREs or any food rations the soldiers carry are required to have a shelf life of three years at 80 F. And they have to meet an increasingly sensitive and sophisticated palate.
“We’re focused on the war fighter when their only supply system is what they’re carrying on their back.”
His assessment of the food? “It’s good. It’s real food. We’re able to provide a high-quality, shelf-stable product better than we have before.”
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